TFS Healthcare weekly news roundup 5 June

TFS Healthcare Weekly News Roundup

May 8, 2020 0 Comments

Coronavirus: World leaders pledge billions for vaccine fight – BBC – 4 May

More than $8bn (£6.5bn) has been pledged to help develop a coronavirus vaccine and fund research into the diagnosis and treatment of the disease.

Some 40 countries and donors took part in an online summit hosted by the EU. In total, more than 30 countries, along with UN and philanthropic bodies and research institutes, made donations.

Mr Johnson, who spent three nights in intensive care with Covid-19, was to confirm the UK’s pledge of £388m for vaccine research, testing and treatment during the conference.

Coronavirus: London NHS Nightingale hospital will shut on 15 May – Guardian – 4 May

The Nightingale hospital in London will shut on 15 May after treating a small number of patients but will be kept “in hibernation” in case a second wave of Covid-19 infections emerges.

No further patients will be admitted to the facility and the 12 patients being treated there at the moment are being transferred to other London hospitals.

It will close on 15 May. Doctors, nurses and other staff working there were told the news on Monday morning. They will return to their usual hospitals during this week and next.

NMC registration fee: waive it as a thank-you to nurses, MPs tell government – Nursing Standard – 4 May Article by Kimberley Hackett

A cross-party group of MPs is calling for the £120 annual Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) registration fee to be waived or subsidised by the public purse.

In a letter to health and social care secretary Matt Hancock, the 40 MPs ask that public funds be used to cover registrants’ fees in recognition of nurses’ efforts in the COVID-19 pandemic

Coronavirus: Key workers to trial NHS tracing app – BBC – 5 May

An NHS app that aims to track the spread of coronavirus is being rolled out for the first time, as part of a trial on the Isle of Wight.

Council and healthcare workers will be the first to try the contact-tracing app, with the rest of the island able to download it from Thursday.

If the trial is successful, it could be available nationwide within weeks.

Concerns have been raised over privacy, though ministers say the app has been designed with this “front of mind”.

The app aims to quickly trace recent contacts of anyone who tests positive for the virus.

If the trial is successful, the app will be rolled out nationwide by the middle of May, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said.

Thanking healthcare workers worldwide – BBC – 5 May Produced by Elise Wicker

From a flower drop to a star performance – a look at some of the ways that people have expressed thanks to the workers on the frontline against Covid-19.

Nurses’ Day: a chance to reflect and say thanks – RCN – 6 May

Nurses’ Day takes place on 12 May to mark the birth of Florence Nightingale 200 years ago. It’s an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the amazing work of nursing staff across the world.

Nurses’ Day takes place each year on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. It is especially significant this year as 2020 has been declared the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson urges ‘caution’ on lockdown easing – BBC – 7 May

The PM says the government will proceed with “maximum caution” when considering easing coronavirus restrictions, as Scotland extended its lockdown.

Mr Johnson will announce lockdown plans for England on Sunday at 19:00 BST.

By law, the government must review the restrictions every three weeks, and Thursday marks the latest deadline.

Although the lockdown – first announced on 23 March – will largely stay in place, the “stay at home” message is expected to be scrapped and it is likely more outdoor activities will be permitted.

An update from the Chief Executive and Registrar of the NMC about nursing students and the temporary register – NMC – 7 May

An update from Andrea Sutcliffe about nursing students and the temporary register.

TFS Healthcare Client Relationship Director talks to BBC Radio London Live

Our Client Relationship Director, Roland Sheehan spoke to BBC Radio London Live, presented by Petrie Hosken – 5 May at 6.50am

Roland was asked to appear on the radio show to talk about the rise of 220% of Britons expressing an interest in becoming a nurse.

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