TFS weekly news roundup

TFS Healthcare Weekly News Roundup

May 15, 2020 0 Comments

Coronavirus: ‘Phone apps helped me spend time with my dying mum’ – BBC – 9 May – Article by Andrew Webb

BBC producer Andrew Webb wasn’t able to visit his mother in hospital in the last days before her death.

Instead, he used technology to spend time with her virtually.

Here, Andrew shares what happened to his mother, Kathleen Webb, and how he managed to stay connected with her until the end, despite being physically distant. There is also a full guide on how to use similar technology at the end of the BBC article.

The Coronavirus Crisis – What Next? – Health Matters – 9 May – Article by Linda Patterson

The coronavirus pandemic has brought great change across our society, including in health and social care.

There are of course terrible consequences – loss of life, illness and bereaved families, as well as the closing down of normal social discourse. There will be economic consequences – some businesses will not survive, those in the gig economy are the hardest hit and many people will lose their jobs. This will lead to more inequality, more poverty and more ill health in the long run. The political response to the economic downturn could be more austerity which will have longer term consequences for the health of the nation.

Coronavirus: Eight things that have kept us going in lockdown – BBC – 11 May – Article by Lucy Rodgers

Coronavirus has forced people around the world to change the way they live their lives. In Britain we have been spending most of our time at home, attempting to educate our own children and leaving the house only for essential reasons. What has kept us going? Here are eight things British people have been doing to cope with life in lockdown.

1. Socialising virtually

2. Watching films and using streaming services

3. Spending more time with the people we live with – and helping neighbours

4. Exercising outside and in

5. Cooking, gardening and reading

6. Doing DIY and learning something new

7. Spending more on food and shopping locally

8. Spending more on home comforts – such as potpourri, scented candles and logs for fires

YouGov polling suggests fewer than one in 10 people (9%) actually want life to return to “normal” after the coronavirus outbreak is over.

Inside NHS Nightingale: a nurse’s diary – RCNi: Nursing Standard – 11 May – Article by Fiona Hamer

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust head of nursing in medical specialties Fiona Hamer, who volunteered to work at the Nightingale, describes what it is like to work a shift there.

The Nightingale, a critical care temporary hospital, was created in just nine days at London’s ExCeL centre in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This account was written before the announcement that the hospital was being placed on standby, with all patients moved elsewhere.

Coronavirus: Four nurses on four continents tell their story – BBC – 12 May – Reporting by Swaminathan Natarajan, Mark Lowen and Christian Parkinson

With more than four million reported cases worldwide, the coronavirus pandemic has brought the work done by nurses into the spotlight.

To mark International Nurses Day, the BBC spoke to nurses working on four different continents, to learn about the challenges they face in the battle against Covid-19.

Nursing day was celebrated on 12 May, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.

All Praise No Pay? Revealed: The Salaries of UK Healthcare Workers – Health Matters – 12 May

Doctors and nurses in the United Kingdom and worldwide are the heroes of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study ranks the 36 countries in the OECD according to how much they pay their frontline healthcare workers.

“Resilient” healthcare sector surges for fourth consecutive week – Health Investor UK – 13 May

The number of deals announced in the global healthcare sector (including pharmaceuticals and medical equipment) grew by 4.4% during the week ended May 10, 2020 compared to the previous week, according to new figures published today.

GlobalData’s deals database reveals that deal activity increased in key markets such as the UK, Canada, France and South Korea during the week ended May 10, 2020 compared to the previous week, while the US and China witnessed decline.

Coronavirus: Does lockdown easing ‘follow the science’? – BBC – 13 May

Policymakers say they are following the science on coronavirus. So what does science say about easing lockdown rules?

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has set out a provisional plan to start easing restrictions in England using “baby steps”.

Changes will be gradual to avoid the risk of a second peak of infections that could overwhelm the NHS.

And he says the plan is conditional on infection and death rates staying low.

And if there are any signs they are starting to rise, the brakes will go back on.

This is some of the thinking behind this week’s main announcements.

NMC announces further extensions to revalidation deadlines – RCNi: Nursing Standard – 14 May – Article by Stephanie Jones-Berry

he Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) has announced further revalidation deadline extensions for registrants, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

Registrants due to revalidate from July onwards can request a three-month extension and, after that, a further three-month extension may be allowed if the individual can demonstrate a valid reason.

This is the second time the NMC has extended revalidation deadlines this year – registrants due to revalidate between March and June have already had their deadlines extended automatically by three months.

Read last week’s news roundup

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