There’s no health, without mental health: tips for maintaining wellbeing during the summer months

June 29, 2021 0 Comments

As a busy healthcare professional, you are responsible for looking after others. However, to do this to the finest and safest of your ability, you must be on form with your own personal physical and mental wellbeing. This can be tricky at the best of times, but especially challenging during the warmer months.

TFS have put together some tips to help you cope with the battle of tiredness, sleeping in heatwave weather, plus how to reduce and manage stress to improve and maintain overall health.

Here are some tips to help you stay cool and have a better night’s sleep as a busy healthcare professional:

Stay hydrated

Ensuring that you drink lots of water throughout the day will make you feel fresh, and it will slowly release energy rather than giving you a quick boost, like some other drinks. You should always be drinking at least 2 litres of water a day but in hotter temperatures that should be increased to ensure that you stay hydrated and avoid feeling dizzy or faint.

Getting into a regular routine

As a healthcare professional we know that your shifts change from week to week. When you receive your shifts for the week, try and prepare a schedule for yourself to ensure that you are getting the same amount of sleep each day. This will get your body into a solid routine ready for the day/night ahead.

Have a cool shower just before you go to bed

This will reduce your body temperature meaning you’ll feel cooler as you settle into bed. You can also run your wrists under a cold tap for a few seconds to cool your blood circulation instantly.

Avoid a big meal, caffeine and alcohol before bed

If you eat a heavy dish late at night, your body is more likely to stay awake longer as it tries to process it. Plus, these beverages are more likely to keep your mind awake at night and you will further struggle to get a good night’s sleep.

Keep your curtains closed during the day

Try to let as little sunlight as possible enter into your room to ensure it is cool when you go to bed.

Remove winter bedding

Instead opt for lightweight, cotton blankets or sleep with just a sheet.

Try sleeping downstairs

Hot air rises so it’s likely that a downstairs room will be a much cooler alternative to an upstairs bedroom.

Keeping the room cool

Purchase a fan, it will be your new best friend. Whether you are relaxing in the evening or in bed trying to get to sleep, purchasing a hand-held fan or desk fan will do the job of keeping you cool.

Here are some tips to help you reduce and manage stress as a busy healthcare professional:

Provide yourself with a work-life balance

Make sure that you are creating a balance in your life between work and social life. Use your leisure time to relax and take your mind off work, doing the things you enjoy. Taking time off your work schedule will reduce your stress and you will help to improve how to manage the stress you receive at work.

Understand what triggers stress and best management strategies

Know yourself, reflect on what stresses you the most and find reasonable ways to minimise and overcome these challenges. Reflect on your current coping strategies and see if they are efficient and beneficial with managing your stress.

Take regular breaks

An element of challenge and stress at work is inevitable, however learning how to manage your working environment will help you reduce your stress. Even though it can be very tough to find the time, taking regular breaks during work will increase your effectiveness later.

Get your body moving

Exercise is a key way to manage the stress, even taking a brisk walk can help clear your mind.  If you are not a huge fan of exercise, you can find another recreational activity that you could participate in to release endorphins and cope with your stress.

We hope you find this wellbeing advice useful!

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